Our Team
Chesapeake Nuclear (ChesNuc) specializes in radiological health and safety, with expertise in operational radiation safety programs, radiological environmental monitoring; environmental exposure pathway assessments, radioactive effluents and dose assessments, emergency preparedness, and radiological site characterization and decommissioning.
Utilizing a staff of technical health physicists, Chesapeake Nuclear Services provides unique efficient solutions to complex technical radiation safety problems. The ChesNuc staff has a broad range of technical capabilities, gleaned from extensive experience with not only electric utilities and other users of radioactive material but also through direct support of regulatory authorities in the United States and abroad.
Our staff include Health Physicist, Certified by American Board of Health Physics as well as ANSI qualified Radiation Protection Managers and INPO/WANO qualified assessors. ChesNuc personnel have extensive experience in MARSSIM decommissioning, having performed Historical Site Assessments, Characterization Surveys, RESRAD modeling and DCGL development, and Final Status Survey Plans. We have developed and evaluated Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs (REMP) and Offsite Dose Calculation Manuals (ODCM) for operating nuclear power plants. Our WINDOWS-based computer code NRCDose is standard in the US for evaluating radioactive effluents from nuclear power plant.
Connect with Us
+1 410 266 9174
Annapolis, MD